
Mijn energielabel

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    Foundation - Test - Live
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Mijn energielabel

Mijn Energielabel, an energy label provider founded by brother and sister Florentine en Max van der Laan. The collaboration signified the importance of generation energy label requests in specific regions in the Netherlands (with the coverage of Energy Label Consultants). Marveltest saw potential and developed and improved Mijn Energielabel's technical and digital infrastructure, that's how this project came about. The digital development included social advertising (FB, Google, Pinterest & YouTube), CRM, conversion optimisation, email design & marketing, website optimisation & maintenance. We've tested different strategies for different channels.This year (2022) Mijn Energielabel generated 5000+ label applications with our new digital growth strategy!

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Relevant cases


  • B2C
  • SME
  • E-commerce
  • Foundation - Test - Live
  • 2021

BlueM, one of the first real experts in the oral healthcare that is creating a brand, a feeling, something that you want to be part of! Besides their clinically proven products they are planet proof, cruelty free and hope to share a side of oral healthcare you never experienced. With this innovative story Marveltest and BlueM quickly found each other! To map out customers of BlueM in detail, we started with the Marvelfoundation directly. This foundation resulted into data that allowed BlueM to validate assumptions rapidly. After this, decisions and changes could be made, even on the design!

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  • B2C
  • Startup
  • E-commerce
  • Foundation - Test - Live
  • 2018

Abloom strives to take skincare to the next level with their cleaner, greener and healthier products. Being transparent is their main priority as they're skincare is made from 100% botanical ingredients powered by Human Nature. They'd like people to be aware of the power of therapeutic and healing plants and how they can contribute to the health of your skin. A very important note for them? In no way should their products harm the planet, environment or anyone's health. Growth & awareness.. YES! That sounds very familiar to us, it's one of the fundamentals of the Marveltests pocess. And so our entusiasm rose, then our collaboration came to life.We've started testing a variaty of different propositions and utterances to map out multiple options for markets to expand to. With our advise, data and insights for a growth strategy we found the right market fit for Ablooms sustainable branding. As a result of our collaborative efforts Abloom was able to grow their business by a factor of 5!

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  • B2C
  • SME
  • E-commerce
  • Foundation - Test - Live
  • 2021

STIEGLITZ, a woman clothing brand founded by Pien Stieglitz back in 2014. It's goal it to make woman feel powerful with it's distinct prints and colors. The brand works with small collections, called drops. Each drop is inspired by different places around the world Pien has visited, so always something new to discover. The main goal we envisioned was to grow their top of funnel audience to gain them more customers. And so we executed hypertesting with different audiences and helped STIEGLITZ with testing various types of creative advertisement, by optimizing and validating them.We've also supported STIEGLITZ during their sales periods, such as Black Friday 2021, where they achieved a record breaking single day and month revenue for their online sales. For this we setup a customized full funnel Meta strategy with a dedicated email marketing strategy.With our effort to hypertest different audiences and advertisement types, a growth of 28% (online store) in 2022 compared to 2021!

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Client testimonials

"With the insights of Marveltest we will bring viable propositions, tested within various target audiences. If we know how we can evolve the behaviour of one group, then we can expand and move to the next group of people and truly make the difference!"

Nathalie Beck

"Marveltest is with their data intelligence niche what we internally say to be the champions league in data-driven marketing, instead of the Jupiler League of other agencies."

Nick Van Thull

E-commerce manager
“Marveltest B.V. has been by our side from the beginning and we wouldn’t know what to do without them. They know exactly how to reach our target audience and how to expand our reach in the most effective way, resulting in explosive growth. Next to this, they’re also able to guide our business through growth, which they clearly have successful experiences with.”

Giulia Beens

Job Founder

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