Marveltest Datahub™

Our powerfull data querying platform for in-depth & realtime data insights

Used by over 80+ companies

Powerful custom databoards & queries

that optimize your business at its full potential
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Tailored databoards, complex calculations, and comprehensive data queries.

Our datahub establishes API connections with your marketing infrastructure, facilitating connectivity with up to 95% of current marketing stacks in SMEs. Following the development and installation of cross-source, comprehensive data querying, our systems can optimize your marketing funnel beyond the capability of human expertise.

Real-time data integration from multiple sources.

Our datahub assimilates data from a diverse range of sources and provides real-time updates. This ensures our clients have access to the latest information and can remain informed about any developments or trends in the data.

Clarity and transparency in your objectives.

Our datahub is founded on the core principle of transparency, guaranteeing our clients access to precise and dependable data, and clear communication of their goals, objectives, and methods.
Interested or do you have questions about our datahub?

What are the benefits of utilizing our datahub for your business?

Leveraging our datahub can be advantageous for your business, as it consolidates real-time data from multiple platforms into one central location, facilitating efficient and effective data analysis and decision-making. With our datahub, you can seamlessly access and analyze data from various sources in real-time, instead of logging into multiple systems individually. This approach can enable the identification of trends and patterns that would otherwise go unnoticed, leading to improved business performance. Furthermore, utilizing a datahub can help to minimize costs and optimize efficiency by streamlining data management processes.

The Significance of Obtaining Insights from Your Data.

Having a comprehensive understanding of your data is essential for making informed decisions. It enables the identification of patterns and trends that may not be immediately apparent, thereby informing strategy and improving performance. Without insight, data is merely a collection of numbers and facts, lacking context and meaning. In today's data-driven world, organizations that can effectively analyze and utilize their data possess a competitive advantage. Obtaining insight from data can also help identify areas for improvement, optimizing costs and enhancing efficiency.

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Our databoards

We provide a wide range of customized databoards tailored to meet all of your specific needs.

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Unlock the power of audience analysis with our client profiling databoard

By leveraging your existing customer data with our advanced tools and databases, Marveltest can develop detailed audience profiles that include location, demographics, and interests. Our analysis also includes approximating the expected lifetime value (LTV) and average order value (AOV) for each audience, providing a solid foundation for your digital marketing campaigns. Through our client profiling databoard, you can easily access comprehensive reports of your target audience profiles, empowering you to gain a deeper understanding of your customers and elevate your marketing strategies. Choose Marveltest to unlock the full potential of your customer data.

Maximize financial efficiency with our advanced predictive modeling and monitoring databoard

By conducting a thorough analysis of your financial data, including cost structure, maximum customer acquisition cost, average monthly sales, and revenue, we are able to calculate an estimated monthly spend that aligns with your business model. This analysis provides the foundation for creating a 12-month projection of your expected costs and revenue targets, which serve as goals to strive towards. Our team continuously monitors your financial data and strategy to ensure that you remain on track towards achieving your targets. To obtain a comprehensive overview of your financial situation, simply log in to our financials databoard. With Marveltest, you can stay in control of your finances and work towards achieving your business objectives.
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Stay ahead of the game with our competitor analysis databoard

Marveltest's competitor analysis databoard provides a comprehensive overview of your key competitors' growth strategies, including their traffic sources, ad spends, creatives, website performance, and social media presence. By analyzing the competitive landscape, you can gain valuable insights to refine your approach and stay ahead of the curve. Our monthly optimizations factor in the competitive landscape to provide data-driven recommendations for success. Keeping an eye on your competition is essential for identifying new opportunities, avoiding costly mistakes, and optimizing your strategy. Marveltest equips you with the insights you need to stay competitive in your market.

Get access to our powerful data platform that is at the core of all our processes.

Our Datahub delivers real-time insights by integrating data from multiple sources such as channels, mail automations, and store analytics. By analyzing this combined data, we gain a comprehensive understanding of your business and uncover valuable opportunities for optimization. During the MarvelFoundation, we set and monitor goals in real-time and develop hypotheses for goal achievement. Our clients receive transparent and timely notifications with detailed performance metrics. The Datahub is purposefully designed to provide critical business insights and maximize the value of our partnership.
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Analytical Headquarters


Full business optimisation at one place

Marveltest Portal

Aside from our real-time datahub, we've created the Marveltest client portal.
This portal allows clients easy access to a secured all-in-one digital environment. As our client, you can find all tooling, our data analysis, asset briefings, important documentation, planning and other useful information in one place.

Marveltest Portal™

Aside from our real-time datahub, we've created the Marveltest client portal.
This portal allows clients easy access to a secured all-in-one digital environment. As our client, you can find all tooling, our data analysis, asset briefings, important documentation, planning and other useful information in one place.

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All-in-one platform

Access to our knowledge

Access your data anywhere

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Marveltest Funnel Optimizer™

Marveltest Funnel Optimizer is designed to help businesses reach their peak efficiency by merging business- and marketing data into one funnel.
The key benefits of Marveltest Funnel Optimizer is that it spots inefficiences on a real-time level. It connects to your business- and marketing tech stack and based on your peak efficiency formula it tells us exactly where the optimization opportunities lay.

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Reach peak efficiency

Optimize through Efficient Alignment

Spot inefficiencies real-time

Business management of the new age

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