Here's some food for thought to help grow your business!
In 2022, we’ve reached a time where the on- and offline competition is bigger than ever, a time when everyone can join the race. And so it is crucial to get an understanding of your competitors and the position your business holds within the industry. Because of that, the first step is choosing the right competitors based on a variety of elements that make them relevant to your business. It would be most obvious to look a the products or services they sell, right? However, the technology they use, their business model, target audience, and marketing channels are also relevant. Based on these criteria, you can conduct various analyses to study and compare your strategy.
Every business or brand needs design, in one way or another. But how do you make sure it aids your business goals and doesn't become a financial burden or time sink? The three primary benefits of good design are; effective communication, recognisability, and the potential for behavioral influence.
One of our first articles where we’ll dive into data-driven growth. You’ll learn about best practices and other tips that can be used to draw more people to your business, convert visitors, and grow consistently in the long term. In this post, we’ll be discussing the foundations of Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO), best practices for your website design, and which elements to pay attention to when accounting for people's behavior within digital online experiences.
Allow us to take you through the core components of what it takes to run your business data-driven. After this series you are up to speed with the key components.